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Natural Products That Can Alleviate Headaches

Over half the world’s population suffers from headaches. The intensity of a headache can range from a mild throbbing to a debilitating migraine that prevents you from doing anything. If you get headaches, you probably would do anything to make them go away.

Over-the-counter pain relievers work for some people, but not for all. Natural remedies are usually the best for your body in the long run. The Painless Center, located in Carlstadt and Tenafly, New Jersey, is here to share some of the best natural products that will make it possible for you to kiss your headache goodbye.

1. Lavender essential oil

Lavender is one of the most commonly used types of essential oil and is often used to alleviate stress and anxiety. It is also effective in treating headaches. In a clinical study, Europeans found that lavender essential oil helped a majority of participants’ headaches get better or go away completely. 

You can treat your headaches with lavender essential oil by inhaling its scent. The best way to do this is by using a diffuser — if you have one. 

Otherwise, boil three cups of water, and add three drops of the lavender essential oil. Inhale the vapors for a few minutes, and you should feel relief shortly. Participants in a 2013 study who inhaled lavender in this manner found relief in only 15 minutes.

2. Ginger powder

Loaded with nutrients and medicinal properties, ginger is one of the healthiest spices on the planet. It is also a proven method of pain relief for headaches, menstrual pain, and arthritis. 

Participants in a study compared the effectiveness of treating migraines with ginger powder versus sumatriptan, a powerful migraine medicine. When analyzing the results, researchers found that ginger was comparable to the efficacy of sumatriptan, and the participants were open to using either in the future.

When you experience your next headache, mix ⅛ th  teaspoon of ginger powder in a glass of water, and drink it all. Your headache should lessen or subside within 30 minutes.

3. Magnesium

Magnesium is an essential mineral that promotes good health and aids your body in chemical reactions. It may not strike you as a vital nutrient, but your heart, muscles, and nerves need it to function correctly. Magnesium is directly linked to your energy level. 

You may feel a migraine coming on if you don’t consume enough magnesium. The suggested daily intake of magnesium for women over 19 is 310 milligrams, while men over 19 should consume about 410 milligrams. 

Magnesium can be consumed through whole foods like avocados, nuts, or legumes. In addition to magnesium-rich foods, you can also find it in a supplement form. 

4. Butterbur extract

Butterbur is mainly known for its medicinal use in treating headaches and hay fever. Derived from a shrub, butterbur’s anti-inflammatory properties have been proven to treat headaches, especially when taken in high doses. It is mainly used as a preventive measure and must be taken daily for best results. 

You can find butterbur extract at many local health stores and vitamin shops. Take two doses of at least 75 mg daily, and you should notice a reduction in headache frequency and severity. 

5. Vitamin B-2

Your body gets Vitamin B-2, also called riboflavin, when you consume certain foods. You may also take it as a supplement. This vitamin is needed for cellular respiration and maintaining your body’s energy supply.

A European study suggests that vitamin B-2 can help prevent migraines when you consume 400 mg daily. Since 400 mg is 200 times the recommended dose of Vitamin B-2, you should speak with Jason Chiu, MD or your primary care doctor before trying. 

The natural way works for many people, but not everyone. If you’ve already tried these remedies and noticed little improvement, we can help you get rid of your headaches once and for all. 

Schedule your headache consultation with us by contacting us today.

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