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Understanding Your Nervous System and What Can Go Wrong

Understanding Your Nervous System and What Can Go Wrong

Your nervous system keeps your body moving, breathing, and functioning, but when something goes wrong, your entire life can be derailed. Nervous system issues can lead to lack of mobility, loss of sensation, and chronic pain. 

At The Painless Center in Tenafly and Carlstadt, New Jersey, we offer customized treatment plans for chronic pain caused by conditions involving your nervous system. 

Jason Chiu, MD, and his knowledgeable medical team can identify which treatments are most likely to work for you to address problems like complex regional pain syndrome or trigeminal neuralgia. Treatments include regenerative medicine, IV therapy (including ketamine infusion), and other forms of pain relief.

How your nervous system works

Your nervous system is like the captain’s bridge for your body, where the commands come from to ensure all necessary tasks are completed. 

A vast network of nerves works in sync to receive and interpret input from the world and transmit it to your brain. Then it utilizes neurons to send electrical signals among your cells, glands, and muscles, controlling your responses.

Your nervous system makes it possible for you to breath, move, and feel sensations, including pain. It regulates your heartbeat. Controls your body temperature and helps you digest what you eat and drink. 

Parts of the nervous system

Your nervous system has two main parts: the central nervous system (CNS), which is made up of your spinal cord and brain, and your peripheral nervous system, which is all of the rest of your nerves. Those nerves branch out from your CNS to reach every part of your body. 

The peripheral nervous system itself is made up of two parts: your somatic nervous system, which controls movements you consciously decide to make, and your autonomic nervous system, which controls things your body does automatically without conscious thought..

What can go wrong with your nervous system

Your CNS nerves have a protective outer layer called myelin, which provides insulation. When myelin is damaged, normal signals can often become pain signals, causing chronic pain even though you don’t have an injury. 

Your peripheral nervous system is also prone to damage, whether from a stroke, vascular issues, infection, trauma, or as a side effect of chronic conditions like diabetes or autoimmune disease. 

Peripheral nerve damage can lead to loss of sensation, tingling, burning, or sudden shooting pains. In many cases, peripheral nervous system damage starts in the extremities, such as your  fingers, toes, and face.

If you are experiencing chronic pain and believe it is related to a problem with your nervous system, a pain management specialist like Dr. Chiu can help. Contact one of our office locations by calling 201-592-7246 or request an appointment using our convenient online booking system.

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