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Navigating the Road to Recovery: Understanding Workers' Compensation and Your Health Mar 30th, 2024

Injuries on the job can be a significant setback, not only impacting your ability to work but also affecting your daily life and well-being. Worker's compensation exists as a crucial safety net, designed to support employees who have suffered work-related injuries or illnesses. However, navigating the workers' compensation process can...

Navigating the Complex World of Personal Injury: Understanding Your Path to Recovery Mar 25th, 2024

In the aftermath of an accident or injury, the journey towards healing and justice can often seem daunting. Personal injuries not only cause physical pain and suffering but can also lead to significant emotional and financial stress. Whether it's a car accident, workplace incident, slip and fall, or any other...

Say Goodbye to Chronic Back Pain with The Painless Center's Mild® Procedure Mar 13th, 2024

Advanced Solutions for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Now Available in Tenafly, NJ Chronic back pain caused by Lumbar Spinal Stenosis (LSS) can be an unrelenting force in one’s life, dictating what they can and cannot do. Traditional treatments often provide insufficient relief, and the prospect of surgery can be daunting. However,...

Experience Revolutionary Back Pain Relief with the Mild® Procedure Mar 5th, 2024

Transforming Lives with Advanced Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Treatment Living with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis (LSS) can mean a life dominated by pain, restricted mobility, and a constant search for relief. Traditional treatments often offer temporary solutions or require invasive surgery, leaving many to endure their condition. However, the landscape of LSS...

Why The Painless Center is Your Best Choice for Pain Management in NJ Feb 25th, 2024

Choosing the right pain management specialist is crucial to overcoming chronic pain. In New Jersey, The Painless Center, led by Dr. Jason Chiu, stands out as a top choice for individuals seeking effective and compassionate care. Here's why The Painless Center should be your go-to for pain relief. Unmatched Expertise...

Transforming Lives Through Advanced Pain Management: The Painless Center's Mission Feb 22nd, 2024

At The Painless Center, led by the renowned Dr. Jason Chiu, the mission is clear: to transform lives through advanced pain management techniques. Serving the communities of Carlstadt and Tenafly, New Jersey, The Painless Center is more than just a medical facility—it's a place where hope is restored, and lives...

Discover the Difference at The Painless Center: Expert Pain Relief in NJ Feb 14th, 2024

Suffering from chronic pain can feel like a never-ending battle, but at The Painless Center in Carlstadt and Tenafly, New Jersey, hope and healing are within reach. Under the expert guidance of Dr. Jason Chiu, The Painless Center stands out as a premier destination for those seeking effective pain management...

The Revolutionary Approach to Pain Management with Dr. Jason Chiu Feb 2nd, 2024

In the bustling heart of New Jersey, a revolutionary approach to pain management is changing lives. The Painless Center, led by the esteemed Dr. Jason Chiu, offers a beacon of hope for those suffering from chronic pain. With locations in Carlstadt and Tenafly, Dr. Chiu's innovative techniques and compassionate care...

Your Journey to Pain-Free Living Starts at The Painless Center Jan 29th, 2024

Living with chronic pain can feel like a never-ending battle. But you don't have to fight it alone. At The Painless Center, located in Carlstadt and Tenafly, NJ, we are committed to helping you win this battle and reclaim your life. Guided by Dr. Chiu, our team offers expert pain...

Put an End to Chronic Pain at The Painless Center Jan 21st, 2024

Chronic pain can feel like an unending cycle of discomfort, but it doesn't have to be your reality. At The Painless Center, located in Carlstadt and Tenafly, NJ, we are dedicated to breaking this cycle and helping you live a more comfortable life. Led by Dr. Chiu, our team specializes...

Embrace a Pain-free Lifestyle with The Painless Center Jan 11th, 2024

Imagine a life where pain no longer dictates your daily activities. A life where you can enjoy simple pleasures without the constant reminder of discomfort. This is what we strive for at The Painless Center. Located in Carlstadt and Tenafly, NJ, our clinic is committed to helping you manage your...

Discover a Life Free from Pain at The Painless Center Jan 4th, 2024

Living with chronic pain can be debilitating, affecting every aspect of your life. But it doesn't have to be this way. At The Painless Center located in Carlstadt and Tenafly, New Jersey, we're dedicated to helping you reclaim your life from chronic pain. Led by Dr. Chiu, our team is...

Managing Chronic Pain: Your Guide to Relief with The Painless Center Nov 28th, 2023

Living with chronic pain can be a physically and emotionally draining experience. However, at The Painless Center in Carlstadt and Tenafly, NJ, led by Dr. Jason Chiu, a highly regarded Pain Management Specialist and Anesthesiologist, we are committed to helping patients navigate their journey towards a more comfortable life. In...

Treating Neck Pain Conditions: A Comprehensive Guide by The Painless Center Nov 22nd, 2023

Neck pain is a common condition that can significantly affect your quality of life. At The Painless Center, led by Dr. Jason Chiu, a renowned Pain Management Specialist and Anesthesiologist, we are dedicated to helping patients in Carlstadt and Tenafly, NJ, find relief from their neck pain. This blog post...

Conquering Back Pain with The Painless Center by Dr. Jason Chiu Nov 16th, 2023

Living with back pain can be a challenging ordeal, impacting every facet of your life from work to leisure activities. But enduring this discomfort is not the only option. At The Painless Center, under the expert guidance of Dr. Jason Chiu, a distinguished Pain Management Specialist & Anesthesiologist, we offer...

Effective Spine Pain Treatment at The Painless Center by Dr. Jason Chiu Nov 9th, 2023

Dealing with spine pain can be a debilitating experience. It can limit your mobility, affect your mood, and significantly reduce your quality of life. But, you don't have to live with the pain. At The Painless Center, Dr. Jason Chiu, a renowned Pain Management Specialist & Anesthesiologist, offers comprehensive and...

Alivio para la Ciática: Tratamiento Eficaz en The Painless Center Oct 29th, 2023

¿Sufres de dolor constante, entumecimiento o debilidad en una o ambas piernas? ¿El dolor se intensifica al sentarte? Si es así, podrías estar sufriendo de ciática. Afortunadamente, en The Painless Center, bajo la dirección del Dr. Jason Chiu, ofrecemos tratamientos eficaces para aliviar este padecimiento. ¿Qué es la Ciática? La...

Encuentre alivio para sus dolores de cabeza y migrañas en The Painless Center Oct 25th, 2023

¡Hola a todos! Hoy, nos gustaría hablar sobre un problema común que afecta a muchas personas: los dolores de cabeza y las migrañas. En The Painless Center, ubicado en Carlstadt y Tenafly, Nueva Jersey, estamos dedicados a brindar un tratamiento efectivo y sin dolor para estos problemas debilitantes. El Dr....

Tratamiento De Lesiones Personales en The Painless Center con el Dr. Jason Chiu Oct 16th, 2023

¿Ha sufrido una lesión personal y está buscando el mejor tratamiento en Nueva Jersey? No busque más, porque el Dr. Jason Chiu en The Painless Center, ubicado en Carlstadt y Tenafly, NJ, tiene la solución para usted. ¿Quién es el Dr. Jason Chiu? El Dr. Jason Chiu es un especialista...

Alivie su Dolor de Hombro en The Painless Center con el Dr. Jason Chiu Oct 10th, 2023

¿Está lidiando con un dolor persistente en el hombro? No se sienta solo. El dolor de hombro es una molestia común que afecta a millones de personas alrededor del mundo. Pero no tiene por qué ser así. En The Painless Center, ubicado en Carlstadt y Tenafly, Nueva Jersey, el Dr....

Manejo médico para diversos síntomas de dolor en The Painless Center Oct 4th, 2023

El dolor es una experiencia universal que todos hemos experimentado en algún momento. Sin embargo, cuando se convierte en una parte constante de nuestra vida, puede ser debilitante y perjudicial para nuestra calidad de vida. En The Painless Center, dirigido por el Dr. Jason Chiu, nos dedicamos a proporcionar soluciones...

Car Accident Trauma Sep 30th, 2023

Overcome Car Accident Trauma at The Painless Center by Dr. Jason Chiu A car accident can leave scars that are more than just physical. The trauma can be overwhelming, affecting every aspect of your life. But remember, you're not alone. At The Painless Center by Dr. Jason Chiu, we stand...

Whiplash Sep 29th, 2023

Whiplash: Find Relief at The Painless Center by Dr. Jason Chiu When it comes to whiplash, the pain can be as sudden and unexpected as the injury itself. Whether you've been involved in a car accident, a fall, or a sports-related incident, the aftermath of whiplash can leave you feeling...

Nerve Pain Sep 25th, 2023

Taming Nerve Pain: Your Solution is at The Painless Center Are you tired of living with nerve pain? Does it feel as if your life has been taken hostage by the constant, gnawing discomfort? If so, it's time to take a stand. It's time to seek help from the experts....

Neck Pain Sep 19th, 2023

Relieve Your Neck Pain at The Painless Center with Dr. Jason Chiu There's a reason why they say that pain in the neck is more than just an annoyance. For many people, chronic neck pain can be debilitating, affecting their quality of life and hindering their daily activities. If you're...

Back Pain Sep 7th, 2023

Discover Relief from Back Pain at The Painless Center by Dr. Jason Chiu Are you tired of living with chronic back pain? Has it been affecting your daily activities or even your sleep? If you've answered yes to any of these questions, we have good news for you. The Painless...

Disc Herniation Sep 4th, 2023

Relieve Your Disc Herniation Pain at The Painless Center Do you wake up every morning with a nagging backache that just won't go away? Or perhaps a sudden, sharp pain in your lower back stops you from enjoying your daily activities? If you nodded yes, then there's a possibility you...

Comprehensive No-Fault Car Accident Care at The Painless Center by Jason Chiu Aug 31st, 2023

If you've been involved in a no-fault car accident, the aftermath can be a whirlwind of stress, pain, and confusion. It's a time when you need comprehensive, compassionate care the most. That's where The Painless Center by Jason Chiu comes in. We're dedicated to providing top-notch treatment for victims of...

Arthritis Treatment at The Painless Center by Jason Chiu Aug 27th, 2023

Living with arthritis can be debilitating, often impacting the quality of life. However, with effective treatment and care, managing arthritis becomes significantly easier. The Painless Center, led by Jason Chiu, offers comprehensive arthritis treatment services in Carlstadt, NJ, and Tenafly, NJ. We are committed to providing relief to those suffering...

Comprehensive Care for Car Accident Injuries Aug 23rd, 2023

Life is unpredictable, and sometimes the unexpected happens, like car accidents. The aftermath of such incidents can lead to severe pain and discomfort that can disrupt your everyday life. This is where The Painless Center by Jason Chiu steps in. Specializing in pain management, our clinic provides comprehensive care for...

Your Solution for Disc Herniation Treatment in Carlstadt and Tenafly, NJ Aug 19th, 2023

Do you suffer from disc herniation? Are you a teacher, social worker, firefighter, police officer, or blue-collar worker struggling with back pain? The Painless Center, led by Dr. Jason Chiu, is here to help. Our specialized treatment plans are designed to alleviate your pain and help you return to your...

Myofascial Pain Treatment Aug 4th, 2023

Are you a teacher, social worker, firefighter, cop, or a hardworking blue-collar worker dealing with myofascial pain? Do you feel discomfort or pain in various parts of your body? If so, relief is within reach at The Painless Center by Jason Chiu. Our center specializes in treating myofascial pain, and...

Personal Injury Pain Management Jun 14th, 2023

Tu destino de confianza para la gestión del dolor por lesiones personales   En The Painless Center, entendemos que vivir con dolor causado por lesiones personales puede ser abrumador y frustrante. Es por eso que el Dr. Jason Chiu y nuestro equipo de profesionales dedicados están aquí para proporcionarte las...

Workers Compensation Jun 14th, 2023

  Bienvenido al Centro Sin Dolor del Dr. Jason ChiuSu mejor opción para servicios de manejo del dolor en casos de indemnización laboralEn el Centro Sin Dolor, entendemos lo incapacitantes que pueden ser las lesiones laborales. Es por eso que nos dedicamos a brindarle servicios de manejo del dolor de...

Why Lumbar Epidural Injections Might Be the Answer to Your Sciatica Mar 3rd, 2023

If you’re struggling with sciatica and not finding relief from home remedies such as stretching exercises or over-the-counter pain meds, an epidural injection may be your next best choice. Dr. Jason Chiu leads the team at The Painless Center in Carlstadt and Tenafly, New Jersey. Dr. Chiu is double board-certified...

Spinal Cord Stimulators Mar 1st, 2023

Pain is an unfortunate part of life. It can be debilitating and make it hard to do everyday tasks. But did you know that there is a solution for those suffering from chronic pain? The Painless Center has spinal chord stimulators available for treatment. Spinal chord stimulators are nerve stimulators...

How PRP Injections Are Revolutionizing Joint Pain Treatment Feb 7th, 2023

At first, you might ignore it. Your joint feels less comfortable than it used to, sure, but you chalk it up to a passing thing or a normal part of aging. To an extent, it is fairly normal. Roughly 54 million people in the United States deal with joint pain...

The Link Between Depression and Myofascial Pain Jan 9th, 2023

Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) is a chronic pain condition that affects your musculoskeletal system. While most people experience some muscle pain from time to time, MPS goes far beyond occasional muscle pain.  When you have MPS, you experience pain in different parts of your body whenever pressure is applied to...

The Mental Side of Physical Pain Dec 4th, 2022

Living with physical pain has far-reaching effects on both your body and mind. While the focus is typically on healing the body, which is crucial, physical pain’s toll on mental health is sometimes overlooked.  Dr. Jason Chiu, medical director at The Painless Center in Tenafly and Carlstadt, New Jersey, understands how...

Why Hydration Is So Important to Pain Management Nov 1st, 2022

Dehydration and pain are not commonly linked. But when you’re in pain, not drinking enough water could worsen your pain and slow recovery.  Up to 60% of your body is made up of water. It's vital for the effective functioning of many bodily processes, including your healing. When your body doesn't get...

What Most People Don't Understand About Chronic Pain Conditions Oct 4th, 2022

The most recent data regarding the prevalence of chronic pain in the United States the CDC published is from 2016. At that time, just over 20% — around 50 million people — of American adults had chronic pain. With an aging population, that number is likely higher now. However, even...

An Arthritis-Friendly Diet You Can Start Today Sep 1st, 2022

You’ve heard the term arthritis many times, but you may not realize that arthritis isn’t just one disease — the term refers to joint pain or joint disease, and includes more than 100 types of arthritis and related conditions. Almost 60 million adults and 300,000 kids in the United States are affected by arthritis, so...

Why Your Habits Are Putting You at Risk for Dehydration Aug 1st, 2022

Dehydration pulls fluid from your body, often increasing fatigue and pain. If you’re tired of feeling tired and achy, try altering certain habits.  Dr. Jason Chiu, medical director of The Painless Center in Carlstadt and Tenafly, New Jersey, offers suggestions for simple lifestyle changes that could dramatically improve your health. Utilizing his...

How Regenerative Medicine Can Change Your Battle With Chronic Pain Jul 1st, 2022

Chronic, never-ending pain can seem like an unfixable problem. But, as medicine advances, discoveries are transforming the ability to heal. Regenerative medical therapies have revolutionized how we treat chronic pain problems, allowing you to tap into your body's healing capabilities to potentially resolve your chronic pain for good. At The Painless Center, we provide...

Signs Your "Blues" Are Actually Depression (ketamine infusions) Jun 5th, 2022

Everyone feels blue sometimes, with emotions like sadness, hopelessness, frustration, or even despair making it challenging to maintain your mood and mental health balance. But, if your blue feelings persist over weeks, months, or years, or if your sadness or hopelessness seems to take all the good feelings out of...

5 Nutrients That Help Keep You Energized May 4th, 2022

If you properly plan what and when you eat, you can stay energized all day. The trick is to keep your blood sugar levels balanced and avoid high-sugar foods that cause the dreaded sugar crash. Supplementing your nutrient intake with IV therapy can also help your energy levels. At The Painless Center in Carlstadt...

Tips for Exercising When You Have Arthritis Apr 3rd, 2022

There are over 100 conditions that fall under the umbrella of arthritis. Some are linked to mechanical wear and tear of the joints and cartilage, while others are linked to autoimmune issues and infections.  Exercise can halt, slow, or delay the onset of symptoms, but exercise is often made more difficult...

How IV Therapy Can Help Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Mar 13th, 2022

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also called myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), describes a long-term condition that affects millions of Americans. This illness involves multiple body systems and causes debilitating symptoms that interfere with your ability to carry out normal activities. Although CFS doesn’t have a known cure, intravenous (IV) therapy helps balance...

Back Pain? Your Discs May Be to Blame. Feb 2nd, 2022

If you have back pain, you know just how much it can affect your life. The pain can keep you from your usual everyday activities, not to mention hobbies, travel, and more. If you don’t know the source of your pain, the problem becomes even worse because you don’t know...

Understanding Your Nervous System and What Can Go Wrong Jan 11th, 2022

Your nervous system keeps your body moving, breathing, and functioning, but when something goes wrong, your entire life can be derailed. Nervous system issues can lead to lack of mobility, loss of sensation, and chronic pain.  At The Painless Center in Tenafly and Carlstadt, New Jersey, we offer customized treatment...

Don't Let Fibromyalgia Ruin Your Life Dec 1st, 2021

If you have fibromyalgia, you may know what it’s like to be in constant pain, or in a permanent state of fatigue. Diagnosis can be difficult, and it’s always challenging to live with a debilitating disease that’s also invisible. At The Painless Center, with locations in Carlstadt and Tenafly, New...

Can IV Therapy Help My Migraine? Nov 10th, 2021

A whopping 38 million Americans officially suffer from migraines, and the real number is probably much higher. Unlike a regular headache, a migraine is intense and debilitating, and can be hard to beat with normal headache remedies.  The Painless Center, with locations in Carlstadt and Tenafly, New Jersey, provides IV...

Conditions That Can Benefit from Regenerative Medicine Oct 1st, 2021

Your body is miraculous. With all of its intertwined networks, your body is the most advanced system in the universe. Among all its amazing capabilities, one of the best is the ability to heal itself. You’ve seen this happen when you’ve had a cut — platelets help your blood to...

Myths and Facts About Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Sep 1st, 2021

Does your chronic pain make you feel helpless? With a wide range of varying symptoms and periods of pain and remission, chronic pain can feel like a lose-lose situation. If your doctor can’t put their finger on what’s causing your pain and other treatments haven’t helped, you may have complex...

Understanding the Different Types of Headaches Aug 1st, 2021

Your brain is a complex structure. As an integral part of everything you do, your brain communicates with itself by carrying chemicals from one nerve, or neuron, to the next. This chemical activity in your brain sometimes causes headaches. If you’re like most people, you’ve probably experienced one, or many,...

How Discography Can Help Determine the Cause of Your Back Pain Jul 6th, 2021

Your back is one of the most important components of your body. It connects your hips, butt, shoulders, and neck. Your back muscles give strength to other parts of your body.  Even as one of your most prominent muscles, your back is one of the most neglected muscles. It’s a...

How Diabetes Can Take a Toll on Your Body Jun 8th, 2021

No one wants to hear they have diabetes. But it’s a hard reality that 1.5 million Americans face every year.  Diabetes occurs when your blood sugar is too high. Many people first diagnosed with diabetes don’t have any side effects and might not feel any different. But over time, diabetes...

What You Need to Know About Piriformis Syndrome May 10th, 2021

When you were a child, it might have seemed like you never had pain. But as you get older,  aches and pains may show up much more than you would like.  You might even experience pain you never even knew was possible. Intense pain located where your buttocks meet your...

Help for Your Sciatica Apr 12th, 2021

A jolting pain running down your leg. This is often how sciatica starts. The condition affects nearly three million Americans every year and may become so bad you don’t want to get out of bed. You don’t have to just accept the pain — you can do something about it....

The Benefits of Coolief for Your Knee Osteoarthritis Mar 8th, 2021

Your knees have an important job. As one of the strongest and most essential joints in your body, your knees help perform everyday tasks like walking, standing, and sitting.  Your knees carry a lot of weight. When you walk on flat ground, the force placed on your knees is equal...

Understanding the Different Treatments for Facet Arthritis Feb 12th, 2021

Your spine is one of the most essential parts of your body. Without it, you wouldn’t be able to stand up or have the structure you need to perform almost any movement. Everyone has back pain once in a while, but if you’re constantly living every day with pain and...

How Vein Ablation Works Jan 21st, 2021

Twisting blue or purple veins are often found on the back of your legs. If you’re part of the 30-60% of people living with varicose veins, you probably know just how annoying they can be.  Do you always wear pants to hide your veins? Though most aren’t usually hazardous to...

IV Therapy: Can It Help My Migraines? Dec 2nd, 2020

Everyone gets headaches from time to time. Headaches can usually be cured with over-the-counter medication, but migraines are more severe, often needing professional treatment. Severe, throbbing one-sided head pain can be debilitating. Are you one of the 38 million Americans who suffer from migraines? If so, you probably do almost...

5 Myths About Fibromyalgia Nov 8th, 2020

Fibromyalgia is a chronic health condition that is often misunderstood. Affecting around 2% of Americans, the disease causes pain all over the body along with a strew of other health problems. Living with fibromyalgia is not easy, especially because even doctors aren’t exactly sure why it happens. With all the...

Prone to Back Pain? Consider Discography Oct 7th, 2020

Everyone gets back pain once in a while. Whether it’s from sleeping poorly, lifting something too heavy, or from stress, this kind of back pain usually resolves on its own with time. However, if you’re suffering from back pain that doesn’t seem to go away, it could be something more...

How Myofascial Pain Affects Mental Health Sep 14th, 2020

Everyone has aches and pains sometimes. For most, it resolves after a few days or weeks with some at-home care. Those living with chronic pain, like myofascial pain syndrome (MPS), may not find an easy remedy. MPS describes a disorder in which pressing certain trigger points causes pain in other...

Natural Products That Can Alleviate Headaches Aug 19th, 2020

Over half the world’s population suffers from headaches. The intensity of a headache can range from a mild throbbing to a debilitating migraine that prevents you from doing anything. If you get headaches, you probably would do anything to make them go away. Over-the-counter pain relievers work for some people,...

Best Activities to Reduce Sciatica Pain Jul 22nd, 2020

Everyone has experienced back pain at some point in their life. Sometimes it’s the result of sleeping in a bad position or comes after an intense day of lifting. In other cases, like with sciatica, it’s caused by nerve compression. Most people haven’t heard of sciatica until they’ve experienced its...

Can Regenerative Medicine Treat My Arthritis? Jun 24th, 2020

Arthritis affects one in three Americans. It’s a painful condition that impacts your joints and usually gets worse with age.  If you’re reading this, you’re probably experiencing the pain of arthritis first-hand. It’s easy to put off treatment in hopes that it gets better, but doing so can make the...

Signs You Should Consult Your Doctor About Your Headaches May 26th, 2020

You start to feel a thumping sensation in your temples. In just a few minutes, the pain starts to overtake your forehead with overwhelming pressure. You try to divert your mind back to work, but the pain keeps intercepting your attention. Your stomach starts to turn, and the fluorescent lights...

Is venous stasis and venous regurgitation causing pain in your lower legs? May 12th, 2020

What are vein ablations? Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a minimally invasive percutaneous technique using thermal energy to ablate incompetent veins. What are some indications? For patients with ulceration who are refractory to medical management or have recurrent ulceration, RFA of perforator veins may help heal ulcers and prevent recurrence Cosmetic...

The Many Benefits of IV Infusion Therapy Apr 21st, 2020

If you’re like most, you’ve probably taken a multivitamin or supplement every day for as long as you can remember. But what you may not know is that your body only absorbs about half of the nutrients your supplement contains.  Roughly 92% of Americans have a vitamin or mineral deficiency....

Finding Relief from Chronic Migraines Mar 16th, 2020

Everyone gets headaches once in a while. Migraines are a more debilitating type of headache that is characterized by intense, throbbing pain. Migraines are the third most common disease in the world. However, if you experience migraines over 15 times a month, you may be suffering from chronic migraines.  Chronic...

What’s Behind Your Facial Pain? Feb 10th, 2020

Trigeminal neuralgia describes a sudden, excruciating pain that happens as the result of a mild stimulation to your face. It may start as mild pain, but if it isn’t treated, it can result in more severe and frequent attacks. The Painless Center located in both Fort Lee and Carlstadt, New...

How Ketamine can Assist Your Pain Management Jan 10th, 2020

Chronic pain has become a growing epidemic in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 20% of American adults (approximately 50 million people) experience chronic pain. In addition to the negative effects that living with pain has on an individual’s health and overall...

Here's How Your Weight Affects Your Sciatica Pain Dec 4th, 2019

Do you suffer from nerve pain? There are many causes for it, but one common reason is sciatica. For some people, extra weight is the root cause. The link between obesity and sciatica has been an increasing concern among doctors. At The Painless Center, with two locations in New Jersey,...

Myths and Facts about Ketamine for Depression Nov 1st, 2019

If you’ve been in therapy or you’ve tried one medication after another, but your depression isn’t getting any better, you’re not alone. Each year, nearly 14 million Americans struggle with symptoms of depression. The World Health Organization recently declared that depression is the No, 1 cause of disability. Of those...

Living with Fibromyalgia Oct 3rd, 2019

Around 10 million Americans live with the chronic pain of fibromyalgia. Here at The Painless Center in Fort Lee and Carlstadt, New Jersey, we know how painful and frustrating life can be for you. Over the years, we've helped a lot of people manage their pain and other symptoms, and...

Why It's So Important to Stay Active With Arthritis Sep 9th, 2019

Arthritis is an extremely common condition. More than one in five American adults has some form of arthritis. If not managed carefully, arthritis can cause significant disability that can negatively impact daily functioning and your ability to participate in activities you enjoy. When you have arthritis, whether it’s in your...

Radiofrequency Ablation: Learn About This Drug-Free Solution for Neck, Back, and Joint Pain Aug 6th, 2019

Do you have arthritis in your neck, back, or joints? Are you tired of living with pain every time you bend or move? If so, radiofrequency ablation could be right for you. Here at The Painless Center, with offices in Fort Lee and Carlstadt, New Jersey, Dr. Chi-Shin Jason Chiu...

Terapia de infusión de vitamina IV Jul 16th, 2019

Nuevo sitio web en The Painless CenterHemos lanzado nuestro nuevo sitio web que agrupa al Patient Pop ahora concaracterísticas interesantes que incluyen:Blogging - para que pueda mantenerse al día sobre el desarrollo más reciente en elcampo del manejo del dolorComentarios en línea: nos encanta compartir los comentarios de sus experiencias...

IV Vitamin Infusion Therapy Jul 15th, 2019

We are proud to announce, at The Painless Center, that we are implementing IV vitamin infusion therapy in addition to our other medical services within our medical practice. We're proud to team up with Liquivida to provide state-of-the-art infusion therapy done by Dr. Chiu, a board-certified anesthesiologist, and his staff.  You...

Discography: The Solution to Chronic Back Pain You May Not Know About Jul 9th, 2019

You might not give much thought to the discs in your spine -- until one of them acts up and causes you pain. The problem is that it’s not always easy to identify exactly which disc is the culprit, which makes treatment a little tricky. Dr. Jason Chiu at The...

Are surgeries the last resort to your back pain? Jul 1st, 2019

A new modality for patients with chronic back pain even after spinal surgery can include a new waveform of technology called spinal cord stimulator. Here at The Painless Center, we use spinal cord stimulator technologies from all spectrum of neuromodulation companies to provide you the back pain relief that you...

Coolief®: A Breakthrough Radiofrequency Treatment for Chronic Knee Pain Jun 17th, 2019

Living with knee pain isn’t easy. When you’re suffering from a degenerative joint condition, your body can’t keep up with the rate of deterioration. Osteoarthritis is a common culprit, a wear-and-tear condition that breaks down the cartilage that protects the ends of bones, resulting in decreased mobility and, eventually, bone-on-bone...